
Our on-line EDI system enables us to quickly clear your shipments through the customs systems. With the perfect combination of on-line customs clearance procedure and JFS internal system, we are confident to deliver the cargo to your hand in the most efficient way. For air shipments we offer 24 hours door delivery upon the cargo arrival; as for sea shipments, the goods will be fast processed through customs procedure and delivered to you within 3 business days. Under your requirements, weekend customs clearance can be applied in advance as well, we provide 24/7 service!!

JFS builds customized warehouse programs to support your business needs as they progress. We have comprehensive solutions for the storage, handling and shipping of your trade and specialty products. We have a mature trucking system specializing in local and domestic transportation, by grouping out transportations effectively, therefore provides cost -effective, on time road connection specifically for your esteemed company. We work with various carriers to accommodate special product deliveries. We customize our transportation network around your delivery service requirements. Professionally qualified staff at JFS takes charge of your precious property at each location focus on maintaining a flexible, consistent and reliable level of offerings. We are actively involved in the following services:

* On-line customs clearance * Full documentary assistance

* Customs clearance facilities * Bonded warehousing
* Duty management * Custom-built logistics solutions
* Time limitless service * Customs consultancy
* Picking/Packing * Instant shipment status report
* Door-to-Door service * Flexible order fulfillment

JFS offers modular solutions, adapted to the large volume of your various products, from exhibition goods, perishable commodities, personal effect, to house moving. Our specialists implement customized solutions, according to the category and fragility of your products, and to your pick-up and packaging requirements, which saves your time and unnecessary cots, helping your cash flow situation and increasing your competitive advantages.

To keep the stock management in an efficient way, a close relationship between our customers and JFS is required. Our skilled employees with strict operational procedures commit high quality standards at our warehouses to you. We monitor all the relevant activities and frequently report back to our customers during regular quality consultations.

